Thursday, January 19, 2006

A thrilling tour de blog

Welcome to the English 168 (sections 313 & 314) class blog! This is my primary vehicle for extraclassroomular conversation: check back here somewhat regularly for hebdomadal assignments, advice on how to read the texts we're encountering this semester, and generally remarks about our coursework and the reading material. When you ask me questions that I should really have answered in class, I'll post those answers here to enlighten all.

← Observe, on the sidebar, a number of helpful resources:
  • My office hours and email address, both of which I urge you to use regularly;
  • a search bar through which to access the most complete dictionary in the English language;
  • links to the Writing Center, its immensely useful Writers' Handbook, and the two Writing Center classes I've voted Most Likely to Be Useful to You;
  • links to the section syllabi so you can download a new one if you end up misplacing yours; I'll attach the lecture syllabus, too, as soon as I get it;
  • a schedule of the class assignments.

Coming soon: some notes about hebdomadals and your first hebdomadal topic.