Friday, February 10, 2006

Essay 1 Conference Sign-up Sheet (Updated 2/18)

I urge you all to visit me during my office hours in the coming week and a half to talk through your first essay. Meeting with me does not automatically boost your grade, but listening to and following my advice can have a reasonably positive effect =)

Some quick rules:
  • Read over the essay assignment carefully and come in with a topic selected;
  • Choose the text you think you are going to write about, and reread it carefully with an eye to what you might write in your essay;
  • Jot out half a page of notes, brainstorming somewhat for yourself the angle you think you might take;
  • Come in with one or two specific questions for me to answer.
I am looking for you to lead this meeting, so we avoid the unpleasant situation where you're not entirely sure what you want to do and I end up talking with you for fifteen minutes about some ideas you ultimately never pursue.

Here's how these signups work: email me if there is a blank slot listed below that you want to take and, if it's still free, I'll email you back letting you know that you're signed up. If none of these times work for you, please email me so we can work out an alternate time.

All conferences take place at the Steep & Brew on State Street.

Tuesday February 14:
1:30 pm - Greta H.
1:50 - Katie H.
2:10 -
2:30 -
2:50 -
3:10 -
3:30 -
3:50 -
4:10 -

Wednesday February 15:
11:00 - Steph P.
11:20 - Myla D.
11:40 -
12:00 pm - Liz P.
12:20 - Sarah D.
12:40 - John O.

Monday 20 February (New!)
3:30 pm - James G.
3:50 - Alex A.
4:10 -
4:30 - Sebastian C.
4:50 - Jenna S.
5:10 -
5:30 -

Tuesday 21 February:
1:40 pm -
2:00 - Mike P.
2:20 - Steph P.
2:40 - Samantha U.
3:00 - Leanne H.
3:20 - Matt F.
3:40 - Julie E.
4:00 - Keith N.
4:20 - Beth W.
4:40 - Brandy H.