Friday, February 03, 2006

The sounds of modernism

Did you ever want to carry important modern poets in your pocket? Now you can!

Eliot's reading of "The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock" is available here, in the Salon audio archives as an .mp3 file. His HarperAudio reading of "The Waste Land" is available here in the archives of the Internet Multicasting Services as a set of .au files. (If you want to convert .au to .mp3, has a good 30-day demo of AudioConverter 5.5.2.)

All the Eliot file have advertising-ish blurbs at the beginning and/or end, so be forewarned. I wonder what Eliot would have thought about his poetry being used to sell Lexuses?

And here is a short .m4a of Yeats reading "The Lake Isle of Innisfree."